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Home of the Better Dog Cheese Chews
3 Different Qualities of Dog Cheese Chews: Good Better Best
Best Chews, Best Service, Best Price
Best : Human Grade Food processing facility
-Best ingredients: Just Cow milk & a pinch of salt
-Best drying process: Drying room (1-7 months)
-Best cheese flavor: no smoking
-Best consistency & uniform
Better: Petfood processing facility
-Better ingredients: Cow Milk, Citrix Acid
-Better drying process: Drying room
-Better cheese flavor: No Smoking
-Better consistency, color & thickness
Good: Nepali Farmers hand-made
-Good ingredients: Yak Milk, Cow Milk, Lime Juice & a pinch of salt
-Good drying process: Sun & Smoke dried
-Good cheese flavor: Smoked to preserve
-Good consistency: Some variation in color, shape, and size
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